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    Új beruházás Aichachban

    The mixing station, together with the appropriate supplementary equipment, were put directly on-site in Aichach to feed the injection molding machines. The pictures below show the first stages of the mixing station project.



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    A BT Bautechnik beruház egy új fröccsöntő sorba és egy új keverőtoronyba

    ​On September 11, 2018, BT Bautechnik organized an inauguration event in Aichach in order to present its new injection molding machine and its new mixing tower. Together with Gabriel Spruijt and the senior management of PPS, a celebratory event and a Bavarian lunch with all employees was organized at its factory. Both investments, which in total...



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    BT, BTH és Nyloplast együtt: BT Nyloplast

    We have some exciting times ahead: with effect from October 4, 2018, we changed the name of our companies BT, BTH and Nyloplast to BT Nyloplast. At the same time, we are also launching a new baseline – “think. shape. connect.” – as well as a new logo. We decided to present ourselves under the BT Nyloplast name in order to further combine the...



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    A push-in csatlakozók előnyei

    Together with one of our customers, Van Zoggel Betonboringen, we have been able to demonstrate the advantages of push-in connectors vs. cast-in connectors. This enables customers like Van Zoggel Betonboringen to work both quickly and precisely!

